Our Motivation
Operating Plan, 2006-07
How Firecamp
Got Started
Memorandum of Understanding, approved November, 2003
to 1994 NWCG Training Memo, adopted September, 2003
Mission Statement
Colorado Firecamp’s mission is to protect life, preserve communities, and conserve America’s wildland resources by training students for suppression of wildfire, mitigation of wildfire risk, and stewardship of forests and grasslands.
The development of personal responsibility, leadership and teamwork through reaching vocational goals supports youth, veterans, and the underemployed in achieving certification while finding a sense of purposeful service to community.
We are guided by the founding principle of “keeping quality in qualification” of firefighters and tree fallers to manage risk and safely perform their duties within inherently unforgiving work environments.

“...and a reminder
to all who are involved with firefighting — from those on the
line to those up the line — to find a way to bring everyone
back safely from every fire.”
Thanks to Cori Coffin from KREX News Channel 5 in Grand Junction for her feature on Colorado Firecamp and learning lessons from fire tragedies like South Canyon and Yarnell Hill.
Thanks to Dean Staley and Ryan O'Conner for a great feature
filmed during S-130/190 Basic Firefighter, #140 in March, 2014
and aired on KRQE News 13 in Albuquerque, New Mexico during April:
Watch the story behind Colorado Firecamp's beetle-kill pine table, made by Corbin Clay of the Azure Furniture Company as part of Ketel One Vodka & GQ Magazine's “A Gentleman's Call” contest. Thanks, Corbin.
Instructor Mark Thomas gave a great, live interview on NPR's “Talk of the Nation” on September 1, 2009. Listen to “A Day in the Life of a Forest Firefighter.”