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2003 NWCG Contract Resource Package

Memorandum to NWCG on the Contractor Qualifications Package

NWCG Revised 1994 Certs Letter

Sample Training Provider MOU

Sample Contractor Provisions

Memorandum to NWCG on Contractor Performance Appraisals

ICS 224

ICS 225

Memorandum to NWCG on Incident Behavior

English Incident Behavior

Spanish Incident Behavior

NWCG Casual Hire Memorandum

Casual Hire Form


2003 NWCG Contract Resource Package

Crew Performance Rating
ICS 224 (NFES 1577)

Also available for download as MS-Word file here.

Recommendation for Proposed New Contract Language Dealing with Performance Appraisals for Contracted Resources

It is recommended that the following contract language will be added to the General Clauses on Emergency Equipment Rental Agreements beginning with the 2003-2004 Fire Season. Current EERA's would have this language added to the contract as supplemental contract language where feasible.

Beginning October 1, 2003, the additional contract language will be as follows:

  • All contracted crew resources shall have an overall crew performance appraisal completed on their incident assignment regardless of the level of performance or type of incident.. The appraisal would include reference to meeting the contract specifications, which include qualifications, behavior, safety, physical ability, and meeting incident objectives through their tactical objectives. (See contract for form provided or use appropriate equivalent.)

  • All contract engines with crews shall have an overall equipment and crew performance appraisal completed on their incident assignment regardless of the level of performance or type of incident. The appraisal would include reference to meeting the contract specifications (equipment and personnel), which include equipment requirements, qualifications, behavior, safety, physical ability, and meeting incident objectives through their tactical actions. (The pre-use and post-use inspection of the engine will identify contract specifications terms and if they are compliant.) (See contract for form provided or use appropriate equivalent.)

  • All contract equipment with single operator shall have a performance appraisal completed on their incident assignment regardless of the level of performance or type of incident. The appraisal would include reference to meeting the contract specifications (equipment and personnel), which include equipment requirements, qualifications, behavior, safety, physical ability, and meeting incident objectives through their tactical actions. (The pre-use and post- use inspection of the engine will identify contract specifications terms and if they are compliant.) (See contract for form provided or use appropriate equivalent.)

  • All contract single resources shall have a performance appraisal completed on their incident assignment regardless of the level of performance or type of incident. The appraisal would include reference to meeting supervisor expectations of performance if established; contract specifications, which include qualifications, behavior, safety, physical ability, and performing the tasks identified in the position checklist in the Fireline Handbook (PMS 410-1).

The following applies to all of the above:

  • It is the incident supervisor's responsibility to complete performance appraisals for contracted resources under their supervision.

  • Performance Appraisals will be completed by the supervisor of the equipment/resource assigned by the government using either the form contained in the contract, an equivalent document provided by the contracting officer or contracting officer's representative, or the enclosed ICS-225, Individual Performance Rating or ICS-224, Crew Performance Rating.

  • A copy of the completed performance evaluations will be provided to the contractor or their representative, the Resource's dispatch center, the Finance Section for inclusion in the Emergency Equipment Rental-Use Envelope, OF-305, the incident files, and the original to the Contracting Officer.


Instructions:  This rating is to be used only for determining an individual's fire fighting qualifications.  All blocks must be completed.  Crew will be rated by the immediate supervisor, not crew representative.  If deficiencies are indicated for items 9 and 10, explain in item 11.

1.  Crew Name and Number

2.  Fire Name and Number

3.  Crew Boss (name)


4.  Crew Home Unit and Address

5.  Location of Fire (complete address)


6.  Crew Representative

7.  Dates on Fire

8.  Number of Shifts Worked


9.  Crew Evaluation

11.  Areas Needing Improvement

Rating Factors




Needs to Improve


Physical Condition


Hot Line Construction




Off Line Conduct


Use of Safe Practices


Crew Organization & Equipment


Other (Specify)


10.  Supervisory Performances

Crew Boss


Squad Bosses


Crew Representative


12.  Names of Outstanding workers (comment)

13.  Names of Individuals Needing Improvement (Indicate Areas)


14.  Remarks


15.  Crew Boss (signature):  This rating has been discussed with me.

16.  Date


17.  Rated by (signature)

18.  Home Unit (address)

19.  Position of Fire

20.  Date


ICS 224

NFES 1577

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