- April 14-16, 2017
(8:00 am Fri. - 5:00 pm Sun.)
Bull Run Snag Incident — August, 2009
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
Inspection Number: 312391188
Inspection Dates: 08/21/2009-01/21/2010
Issuance Date: 01/29/2010 |
Notice of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions |
Company Name: U.S. Forest Service, Wallowa Whitman Nat. Forest
Inspection Site: 1550 Dewey Ave, Baker City, OR 97814
Citation 1 Item 1 Type of Violation: Serious
29 CFR 1910.133(a)(l): Protective eye equipment was not required where there was a reasonable probability
of injury that could be prevented by such equipment:
- On August 20, 2009, an employee, "hook-up person", engaged in "Longline Operations" was not wearing
complete eye protection, such as goggles, while exposed to flying debris caused by the rotor wash of the CH-
47 Helicopter.
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 02/25/2010
Citation 1 Item 2 Type of Violation: Serious
29 CFR 1910.135(b)(2): The employer did not ensure that protective helmets purchased before July 5,1994
complied with ANSI standard "American National Standard Safety Requirements for Industrial Head
Protection," ANSI Z89.1-1969, and/or did not demonstrate that the helmets were equally effective.
- On or about August 20, 2009, but not limited to, employees engaged in clean-up of marijuana-growing
operations were using hard hats that had no required markings of the manufacturer, the American National
Standard designation and class, as stated in Section 5 5.6 of the Z89.1 1996.
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 02/25/2010
Citation 1 Item 3 Type of Violation: Serious
29 CFR 1910.183(b): Prior to each day's operation, a briefing was not conducted. This briefing did not set
forth the plan of operation for the pilot and ground personnel.
- On August 20, 2009, the plan of operation was not understood by both the CH-47 helicopter pilot and the
U.S. Forest Service employees engaged in "Longline Operations." Prior to hooking up the cargo nets, the plan
called for a dry run which was never conducted. This situation created extremely hazardous conditions for all
involved, such as, but not limited to, danger trees falling.
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 02/25/2010
The alleged violations below have been grouped because they involve
similar or related hazards that may increase the potential for injury
resulting from an accident.
Citation 1 Item 4a Type of Violation: Serious
29 CFR 1960.8(a): The head of each agency shall furnish to each employee employment and a place of
employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious
physical harm:
- The employer did not identify and remove danger trees prior to employees working in the immediate area:
On August 19- 20, 2009, employees engaged in marijuana plant removal and longline operations were exposed
to a struck-by hazard from a falling danger tree.
"Among other methods, one feasible and acceptable means of abatement would be to identify and have danger
trees removed from the immediate work area by qualified fallers prior to allowing employees to work in the
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 02/25/2010
Citation 1 Item 4b Type of Violation: Serious
29 CFR 1960.59(a): The Agency did not provide appropriate safety and health training for employees,
including specialized job safety and health training appropriate to the work performed by employees
On or about August 19, 2009, but not limited to, employees engaged in clean-up of marijuana growing
operations were exposed to struck-by hazards when employees failed to recognize the severity of danger trees,
exposing themselves to serious and/or fatal injuries caused when trees were pushed over by hand. In addition,
other hazardous danger trees were allowed to remain and were not identified while other employees perform
work in the immediate area, exposing employees to the same risk.
- On August 20, 2009, a "hook-up person" engaged in "Longline Operations" failed to established radio
communications with the CH-47 Helicopter engaged in sling loading cargo nets. The failure to follow
established procedures created potentially hazardous conditions to employees in the event of an aircraft engine
failure, problems encountered with the external cargo load hook-up, and/or flying debris.
Among other methods, one feasible and acceptable means of abatement would be to conduct a risk assessment
of operation and manage the risk by first identifying the hazards through a Job Hazard Analysis. Another
acceptable means of abatement would be to foUow established procedures as outlined in the NFES 1885
Interagency Helicopter Operations Guide.
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 02/25/2010
Citation 2 Item 1 Type of Violation: Repeat
29 CFR 1910.132(0(1)(v): Employee(s) required to use PPE by this section were not trained to know the
proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of PPE:
- On or about August 20, 2009, but not limited to, employees engaged in clean-up of marijuana-growing
operations were using hard hats that exceeded their life cycle.
The U.S. Forest Service was previously cited for a violation of this Occupational Safety and Health Standard or
its equivalent standard 29 CFR 1910.132(f)(1)(iv), which was contained in OSHA Inspection Number
307500777, Citation Number 1, Item Number l(b) issued on 01/23/07, with respect to a workplace located at
U.S. Forest Service, Ketchikan, Alaska.
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: 02/25/2010