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Colorado Firecamp - wildland firefighter training

Frequently Asked Questions...

...about the red card.

...course prerequisites and what class to take.

...what to bring to class. to Firecamp.

...accomodations at Firecamp.

...veterans education benefits.

...getting a job as a wildland firefighter.

...wildland firefighter boots.

Frequently Asked Questions

“Do I already need to have an agency sponsor to take the S-130/190 Basic Firefighter class?”

No, in fact, that may be just the reason you would take the class here — because you want to be hired by a wildland agency. Getting the basic training before applying improves the chances that your resume/application will rank above other applicants. Check our schedule for the next S-130/190 class.

“What online classes are needed for the S-130/190 prerequisite?”

Prior to arriving at Firecamp we encourage students to complete the courses below. These are FREE courses offered online through FEMA. A part of making you “red card qualified” is completing these. If you have already taken these courses for other training purposes you do not need to do so again. 

1. FEMA's IS-100 - Introduction to the Incident Command System

2. FEMA's IS-700 - Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS)

“Can I take the S-131/133/211 Firefighter Type 1 training right after the S-130/190 class?”

Yes, because you meet the prerequite qualification as Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2) with completion of S-130/190. Generally, an individual won't start working on the FFT1 position taskbook until after one or more fire seasons.

“Do I really need the S-130/190 as a prerequisite for the S-212 Chainsaw class?”

No. If you only need sawyer training and do not want to be a firefighter you do not need the Firefighter series.

If you want to be a firefighter you may take the S-212 before the S-130/190 if it works better with your schedule. BUT, we recommend students take the S-130/190 Introduction to Wildland Firefighter first.


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