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Colorado Firecamp - wildland firefighter training

Frequently Asked Questions...

...about the red card.

...course prerequisites and what class to take.

...what to bring to class. to Firecamp.

...accomodations at Firecamp.

...veterans education benefits.

...getting a job as a wildland firefighter.

...wildland firefighter boots.

Frequently Asked Questions

“What kind of boots do I need for the S-130/190 field wildland firefighter bootsexercise?”

We allow students to wear any hiking, work or combat boots for the S-130/190 field exercise. If you need or want to purchase fireline boots, make sure they meet to the Wildland Fire Boot Standard:

“Personnel assigned to wildland fires must wear a minimum of 8-inch high, lace-type exterior leather work boots with lug melt-resistant soles. The 8-inch height requirement is measured from the bottom of the heel to the top of the boot. Alaska is exempt from the lug sole requirement.

“All boots that meet the wildland fire boot standard as described above are required for firefighting and fireline visits, considered non-specialized PPE, and will be purchased by the employee (including AD/EFF) prior to employment.”
— from 2014 Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation chapter 7, Safety


“Where can I buy a pair of boots?”


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