Fire Instructor I
Download the Fire
Instructor I flyer (98 kb) and Firecamp
Application (170 kb) in PDF
Poinciana, Florida Live-Fire Training Deaths — July, 2002
Lt. John Mickel and
Dallas Begg Act
NIOSH Report, 2002-34
Florida State Fire Marshal Report
Deaths and Injuries to Fire Fighters during Live-Fire Training in
Acquired Structures, CDC Workplace Solutions — November, 2004
Poinciana Video
Links to Instructor Resources
Colorado Fire
Training Officers Association
Colorado Division
of Fire Prevention & Control
Fire and Rescue Institute Drill of the Month
Weekly Fire Drills
Instructor I

One of our all-time favorite class photos: October, 2014 includes Fire Instructor I, #23.
What: |
32-hour class based upon IFSTA
“Fire and Emergency Services Instructor,” 9th edition,
designed to prepare the student to meet the job performance requirements
(JPR’s) contained in NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service
Instructor Professional Qualifications (2012) for the position
of Fire Instructor, level I. This class is equivalent to NWCG’s
M-410, “Facilitative Instructor.” Includes pre-course
reading and project assignments.
The Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control practical examination for Fire Instructor I certification will be offered at Colorado Firecamp during each class. |
Who: |
The target audience includes fire department and wildfire agency
personnel responsible for delivery of firefighter training sessions.
Also helpful for individuals seeking Fire Instructor I certification
as a prerequisite for Fire Officer I. |
When: |
September 26-29, 2024
Class will begin at 8:00 am, Thursday and conclude
by 5:00 pm, Sunday. Students can expect a rigorous schedule
with morning, afternoon and evening sessions,
in addition to nightly reading/project assignments. |
Where: |
Colorado Firecamp at
the Ponderosa Lodge, 12 miles west of Salida,
½ mile north of U.S. Highway 50 on County Road 240. |
Why: |
The Colorado Fire
Service Training and Certification Advisory Board “has established the IFSTA training manuals, IFSTA
Instructor lesson plans, and curriculum packages as the minimum
curriculum leading to state certification.” This course
meets NWCG instructor training requirements of the Field Manager’s
Course Guide, PMS 901-1. |
Cost: |
$650 — includes
tuition, 3 nights of lodging,
and 11 meals (Thursday breakfast through Sunday lunch.) Student provides own textbook. |
Contact: |
Course coordinator.
telephone: (719) 539-9329 fax:
(719) 530-0316
web: |
Fire Instructor I
0730: Breakfast
0800: Introductions/Scope/Administrative Procedures
Student Presentations and Ice Breaker Exercise
0930: Chapter 1: Challenges of the Fire and EMS Instructor
1000: Chapter 2: Safety and Training Function
1200: Lunch
1300: Chapter 3: Legal and Ethical Considerations
Homework: 1: Questions for Chapter 1 - 3
3: JPR Preparations/Short Presentations
0800: Review/Quiz/Homework
0900: Chapter 4: Effective Interpersonal Communications
1100: Chapter 5: Instructional Facilities and Props
1200: Lunch
1300: Short Presentations
1330: Chapter 6: Report Writing and Record Keeping
1430: Chapter 7: Principles of Learning
Homework: 1: Training Records Exercises
2: Questions from Chapters 4-7
3: JPR Preparations
0800: Review/Quiz/Homework
0900: Chapter 8: Student Attributes and Behavior
1100: Chapter 9: Preparation for Instruction
1200: Lunch
1300: JPR Practice
1330: Chapter 10: Instructional Delivery
1400: Chapter 11: Audiovisual Technology
1500: Chapter 12: Structured Exercises, Demonstrations and Practical Training Evolutions
1: Questions from Chapters 8-11
2: JPR Preparations
0800: Review/Quiz/Homework
0900: Colorado State JPRs proctored by ____________________
1200: Lunch
1300: Chapter 13: Student Progress Evaluation and Training
1400 Final Review
1530: Class Written Examination
1600: Course Wrap-up