Fire Instructor I
Download the Fire
Instructor I flyer (98 kb) and Firecamp
Application (170 kb) in PDF
Poinciana, Florida Live-Fire Training Deaths — July, 2002
Lt. John Mickel and
Dallas Begg Act
NIOSH Report, 2002-34
Florida State Fire Marshal Report
Deaths and Injuries to Fire Fighters during Live-Fire Training in
Acquired Structures, CDC Workplace Solutions — November, 2004
Poinciana Video
Links to Instructor Resources
Colorado Fire
Training Officers Association
Colorado Division
of Fire Prevention & Control
Fire and Rescue Institute Drill of the Month
Weekly Fire Drills
Fire Instructor I Pre-course Assignments

There are 3 pre-course assignments for the Fire Instructor I class:
- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with exactly 3 slides,
one each to answer the questions:
- Who are you?
- Where are you
- Why are you taking this class?
Each student will give their
presentation at the start of class. Please e-mail your presentation
to before the class, or bring it on a disk or USB drive.
The presentation can be as simple or as elaborate as you want,
just as long as it answers the 3 questions. Use whatever
words, pictures, sounds and animations you want. Get whatever computer assistance you need. (Hint: watch the presentation below.)
- Skim through the first 9 chapters of the IFSTA manual, which will be the material covered in the class.
- Read the enclosed Fire Instructor I Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) which will be proctored for state certification as your course practical examination. Colorado Firecamp has a dozen lesson plans adapted to meet the tasks/conditions/outcomes of the JPRs, on topics such as
- operating a portable radio,
- positive pressure ventilation,
- SCBA face mask,
- scene safety and apparatus placement at highway incident,
- interpreting a pesticide label,
- donning SCBA with coat method,
- firefighter rehab for heat emergencies,
- using a Class A fire extinguisher,
- victim removal with webbing drag,
- salvage operations with chutes & catchalls,
- using a belt weather kit, and
- chainsaw sharpening.
We will provide the lesson plan, written test, PowerPoint, training forms, and training props needed to meet the objectives of the JPRs. You are responsible for being familiar with your agency's policies and procedures to make any needed adaptations for JPR #3, task step #3: “Meet local standard operating procedures (SOPs).”
Please bring a laptop computer to the class for evening assignments
(we have one loaner.) Free Wi-Fi internet access and
a printer are available. Class will begin at 8:00 am on Thursday, with breakfast served at 7:30 am.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (719) 539-9329
or by e-mail,