Wildland Fire Chain Saw Glossary
Pre-course Work
NFES 2644
Tension. The act or action of being stretched. Opposite force
from Bind. Tension causes throwback, splitting, barber chairing.
Third Facing Cut. Special technique for making an "extra" facing
cut to promote a proper undercut (face). Root protrusions, cat-faces,
and rot are some of the common conditions that require a third facing
Throw back. Ground debris, limbs or tops thrown back toward the
faller as the tree falls to the lay.
Top Bind. One of the five basic tree positions commonly encountered
while bucking. A log in a top bind situation is compressed on top and
tensioned on the bottom.
Undercut (Gunning or Face Cut). The horizontal cut made in completing
the conventional or Humboldt technique. Also, general term applied to
the combination of the gunning cut and sloping cut.
USDA. United States Department of Agriculture.
USFS. United States Forest Service.
Wedge. A plastic or magnesium tool used by a faller to redistribute
a tree's weight to a desired direction (lift) and to prevent a tree from
sitting back. Also used to prevent the guide bar from being pinched while
Widow-Maker. A loose limb or top or piece of bark lodged in a
tree, which may fall on anyone working beneath it.

Windfall. A tree that has been uprooted or broken off
by the wind.
