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Student Policy Manual

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First Responder
Student Policy Manual

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Practical Skills Examination

Details of the practical skills examination are available in the United States Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s
First Responder: National Standard Curriculum, commencing at page 336.

Students are required to complete all course requirements prior to attempting a practical skills examination administered by Firecamp.  Testing methods and evaluation are established by the Division.  One point is awarded for each task properly completed.  Tasks not completed or improperly completed are assigned “0” points.  Some tasks are important enough that failure to demonstrate or improperly demonstrated require mandatory failure.  Each student will be allowed no more than two attempts to successfully complete the State Practical Skills Examination.

A. Bleeding Control and Shock Management

This test is designed to test the ability to control hemorrhage.  The student is given signs and symptoms appropriate to the patient’s condition.  The student then proceeds to care for the patient from initial approach to determining need for emergency transportation.

B. Patient Assessment/Management Trauma

This test station is designed to test the ability to integrate patient assessment and intervention skills on a patient with multiple-systems trauma.  It involves a simulated trauma victim with an airway, breathing or circulatory problem and one associated injury or wound.

C. Upper Airways Adjuncts and Suction

This station is comprised of three separate skills: measure, insert and remove an oropharyneal and nasopharyngeal airway and to suction the patient’s upper airway.

D. Mouth to Mask

This station measures the ability to ventilate a patient using a mouth-to-mask technique using a mannequin. 

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