1967 Task Force Report
2005 Fire Prevention and Safety grant application
others communicate their Thoughts as freely as I have done mine,
and perhaps something useful may be drawn from the Whole.”
— Benjamin Franklin, 1735
the actual day of battle naked truths may be picked up for the asking;
by the following morning they have already begun to get into their
— Sir Ian Hamilton, 1907
had called the shots as we saw them.”
— Kent Robert Greenfield, 1954
“There's nothing here worth
dying for.” — Don Mackey at the South
Canyon Fire, 1994
we have people in fire overhead positions that are more concerned about
that trip to the employment office than the lives of their fellow employees,
I believe we have some serious problems.”
— IC for 1984 Rainbow Springs Fire, 1997
“Finally, the bulk of a safety culture is going to reside in responses at the lowest operative level that become almost automatic, unreflective, ‘just the way we do things here.’ ”
— Charles Perrow, TriData Phase IV, 1998