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Cost: $750 includes tuition, books, meals & lodging.
Freeman Reservoir tree felling fatality, 72-hour report & OSHA citation — June, 2009
Andrew Palmer Fatality, Dutch Creek Incident, — June, 2008
OSHA citations
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
Inspection Number: 311912299
Inspection Dates: 05/29/2009 - 08/10/2009
Issuance Date: 07/17/2009 |
Citation and Notification of Penalty |
Company Name:
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps
Inspection Site: Storm Mountain Ranch, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 |
Citation 1 Item 1 Type of Violation: Serious
1910.266 (d)(6)(ii) Work areas shall be assigned so that trees cannot fall into an adjacent occupied work area. The distance between adjacent occupied work areas shall be at least two tree lengths of the trees being felled. The distance between adjacent occupied work areas shall reflect the degree of slope, the density of the growth, the height of the trees, the soil structure and other hazards reasonably anticipated at that work site. A distance of greater than two tree lengths shall be maintained between adjacent occupied work areas on any slope where rolling or sliding of trees or logs is reasonably foreseeable.
- Rocky Mountain Youth Corps @ Storm Mountain Ranch, Steamboat Springs, CO: On or
before May 21, 2009, the employer did not ensure that before each tree is felled, the distance
between adjacent occupied work areas was maintained by each employee at least two tree
lengths of the trees being felled. On May 21, 2009, while a cut pine tree, approximately 80' in
length was falling, a distance of only approximately 15' "safe zone" was maintained from the
tree being felled.
Abatement Note: Abatement certification is required for this item (see enclosed "Sample Abatement Certification Letter").
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: |
08/04/2009 |
Proposed Penalty: |
$ 875.00 |
Citation 1 Item 2 Type of Violation: Serious
1910.266 (e)(2)(x) Prior to felling any tree, the chain-saw operator shall clear away brush or other potential obstacles which might interfere with cutting the tree or using the retreat path.
- Rocky Mountain Youth Corps @ Storm Mountain Ranch., Steamboat Springs, CO: The employer did not ensure that prior to felling the pine tree, the felling area was clear from potential obstacles such as, the dead aspen tree, which was in the path of the falling pine tree. Escape routes and alternate retreat paths were not cleared to provide prompt escape and protection. On May 21, 2009, while a cut pine tree was falling, the branches brushed against a dead aspen tree, which had not been cleared out the felling area, and struck an employee resulting in multiple injuries.
Abatement Note: Abatement certification is required for this item (see enclosed "Sample Abatement Certification Letter").
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: |
09/04/2009 |
Proposed Penalty: |
$ 875.00 |
Citation 1 Item 3 Type of Violation: Serious
1910.266 (h)(1)(ii) The immediate supervisor shall be consulted when unfamiliar or unusually hazardous conditions necessitate the supervisor's approval before cutting is commenced.
- Rocky Mountain Youth Corps @ Storm Mountain Ranch., Steamboat Springs, CO: On or before May 21, 2009, the employer did not ensure that the immediate supervisor was notified of pinched saw bar, tree sitback so that before a potential hazard could be created for employees when hazardous conditions such as those were encountered.
Abatement Note: Abatement certification is required for this item (see enclosed "Sample Abatement Certification Letter").
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: |
09/04/2009 |
Proposed Penalty: |
$ 875.00 |
Citation 1 Item 4 Type of Violation: Serious
1910.266 (h)(2)(ii) Before each tree is felled, conditions such as, but not limited to, snow and ice
accumulation, the wind, the lean of tree, dead limbs, and the location of other trees, shall be evaluated by the
feller and precautions taken so a hazard is not created for an employee.
- Rocky Mountain Youth Corps @ Storm Mountain Ranch., Steamboat Springs, CO: On or
before May 21, 2009, the employer did not ensure that before each tree is felled, conditions
such as, but not limited to, the lean of tree, dead limbs, and the location of other trees,
including dead aspen trees were evaluated by the feller and precautions taken so a hazard is not
created for employees. On May 21, 2009, while a cut pine tree was falling, the branches hit a
dead aspen tree, which should have been cleared out the felling area, and struck an employee resulting in multiple injuries.
Abatement Note: Abatement certification is required for this item (see enclosed "Sample Abatement Certification Letter").
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: |
09/04/2009 |
Proposed Penalty: |
$ 875.00 |
Citation 1 Item 5 Type of Violation: Serious
1910.266 (i)(3) The employer shall provide training for each employee, including supervisors, at no cost to
the employee. Each employee must be instructed in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe condition(s) and
the regulation(s) applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any hazard(s) or other exposure to
illness or injury:
- Rocky Mountain Youth Corps @ Storm Mountain Ranch., Steamboat Springs, CO:
On or
before May 21, 2009, the employer did not ensure that each employee conducting logging
operations was properly trained to recognize hazards associated with the dangers in his work
environment and the necessary precautions to be taken to ensure their safety. This condition
exposed employees to strike-by hazards while felling trees. On May 21, 2009, while a cut pine
tree was falling, the branches hit a dead aspen tree, which should have been cleared out the
felling area, and struck an employee resulting in multiple injuries.
Note: At a minimum, training shall consist of the following elements:
Safe performance of assigned work tasks;
Safe use, operation and maintenance of tools, machines and vehicles the employee uses or
operates, including emphasis on understanding and following the manufacturer's operating and
maintenance instructions, warnings and precautions
Recognition of safety and health hazards associated with the employee's specific work
tasks, including the use of measures and work practices to prevent or control those hazards
Recognition, prevention and control of other safety and health hazards in the logging
Procedures, practices and requirements of the employer's work site and
The requirements of this standard.
Abatement Note: Abatement certification is required for this item (see enclosed "Sample Abatement Certification Letter").
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: |
09/04/2009 |
Proposed Penalty: |
$ 875.00 |
Citation 1 Item 6 Type of Violation: Serious
1910.266 (i)(7)(i) The employer shall assure that each employee, including supervisors receives or has received
first-aid and CPR training meeting at least the requirements specified in Appendix B.
- Rocky Mountain Youth Corps @ Storm Mountain Ranch., Steamboat Springs, CO:
On or
before May 21, 2009, the employer did not ensure that each employee, including supervisors
was provided first-aid and CPR training as required under the standard.
Abatement Note: Abatement certification is required for this item (see enclosed "Sample Abatement Certification Letter").
Date By Which Violation Must be Abated: |
09/19/2009 |
Proposed Penalty: |
$ 700.00 |
Summary of Penalties for Inspection Number 311912299
Citation 1, Serious |
= $ 5075.00 |
= $ 5075.00 |